Our Purpose

To provide a world class direct access underwriting service for Brokers who may otherwise be at a disadvantage.

To ensure that all risks are thoughtfully considered.

To provide appropriate cover.

We are a Young and Growing MGA, supported by Leading Lloyd’s Syndicates

Top Lloyd's Syndicate

A Rated Lloyd's Syndicate

Your Clients are protected by an A-Rated Lloyd’s Syndicate.

Please contact us for more details.

Top service for Insurance Brokers


We believe that the best results come from working closely with our partners.

And we will do everything we can to help our brokers win business for years to come.

30 Years Insurance Experience

30 Years Insurance Experience

The Platinum Underwriting Team has over 30 years combined experience working in the Insurance Markets, as wholesale/retail brokers, and underwriters.
Fair Consideration for All Risks

Fair Consideration

We believe that all legitimate businesses deserve to be protected.

And as such we will do our best to offer cover for even the most complex risks.

Meet The Team

Key Contacts

Rees Nicholls Cert CII

Rees Nicholls Cert CII

Lead Commercial Underwriter

With 10 years’ experience underwriting commercial business for both large composite Insurers and within the London market, lead underwriter Rees Nicholls has the enthusiasm and technical know how to ensure he’s well placed to find the best solution for your client’s insurance requirements.
Kevin Carrabine

Kevin Carrabine

Managing Director

With experience as a Commercial Insurance Broker and having founded his own brokerage in 2002; Kevin is well placed to understand what Insurance Brokers look for when working with Underwriters. Since starting his own brokerage,and realising that there was space in the market for a more reliable and flexible underwriting service, Kevin has gone on to launch Platinum Underwriting in 2016 and Lloyds Broker Leadenhall Insurance Brokers in 2011.
Tara Kelly

Tara Kelly


Tara has over 20 years experience in the Lloyds and London market. She started as a Lloyds broker for a large national broker, moving up to Broking Manager for Lloyds and London Market then ultimately to Underwriting. Tara has a wealth of knowledge and experience and thrives on finding solutions for difficult to place business for our broking partners